About Me

Talofa. If I had a Netflix show made about me tomorrow it would be ... pretty boring. I'm here to post about first world problems and out of this world solutions. Cheers.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ohhh Shoesies


Been a while crocodile. Ive been SO busy with general "stuff" (not the website) that I forgot my friend here existed. This post is kind of a blogfession. BEWARE, it gets a bit "confessiony" .. vomit.

So yeah, on my way to have lunch today I couldn't stop thinking about one of my friends. She's beautiful, trendy, supportive and stature improving. My blue suede shoes (actually Nikes).

Like most people worth knowing, I LURV me some good kicks. I remember when I was younger, I'd be running around the pristine, grassy planes of Siusega (Samoa) fully content in my 8$ Molesi (similar to the Warehouse & WalMart)flip flops. Now a days, my trusty blue and white Jandals have made space for my dearest friends Nike, Adidas, food and Puma. I don't remember how it started, only that it's there and ALIVE. Kind of like a shoe cancer... only not deadly and depressing.

If a shoe asks me to save her from the despair of her captors (did I mention I was your friendly neighborhood shoe whisperer?) I would gladly drop a gwop, render myself "unable to meet a payment", not eat brunch (GASP) to save said damsel in distress (chauvinist pig lol). Said ladies don't holler very often but when they do, I'm in there like swim wear going the extra mile with a smile ... High 5 for the double entendre with my love life.


Damn you awesome shoe designers & marketing friends, CURSES!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

New and Old.

I am so sure people used to LOVE my friend here when she was new ... its sad how at the core of human behavior we are not much different than the dullest of creatures; i.e., we love shiny things. I hate it when I enjoy something for a while only to grow sick of it. Like a favourite song you smash or a favourite food you eat too much of, or even that person you used to adore but have grown to find annoying. Yup it happens. I want to figure out ways of keeping all things I like, refreshing and NEW. Pondering, wandering, laundering money. Shizam.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I hate the "waiting for a reply" part when I comment on a status/photo/wall on Facebook. I find it quite annoying, as much as we lie to ourselves that it doesn't affect us, we all know it does! Or maybe it's just me.. maybe I'm just a dramatic attention seeker trying to fill the crater left in my heart by years & years of having no friends and a loveless childhood. NO WAY hahahahahaha.. love me ... please .. kaching

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I recently caught wind of some interesting news. My friend "Bren" found out his friend "Jamal" was cheating on his girlfriend "Sasha". Unfortunately for Bren he's very good friends with both. Bren came to ME looking for advice on what to do.

This is what I said to him - ... Que sera, sera, whatever will be will be .. haha jk jk .."Brother from another mother, you have got to tell him to STOP. If he is not going to tell her about it .. then you will tell the loud mouth of the group (there's always one) who'll eventually let her know... if he doesn't waawwna tell her, then you must APREHEND the bro card you gave him last christmas, redeemable only when he grows the kahunas to be a man and tell her .." I know right so wise.

Thanks =)

You're probably wandering why Bren would come to me for advice - have ye knoweth, I'm quite experienced in the art of conflict avoidance and general "smoothingout" of problems. Also with relationships, pffft 15 years of online dating under the belt baby Booya

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How much fun is too much fun?

My friends and I have never been heavy drinkers. The main reason for this is Jesus. In high school my friends and I were men of the cloth, ordained... haha i joke, we weren't clergy men but we were very religious. We had an amazing fire for Christ fueled by naivety and a lack of purpose. Taught that drinking was immoral, I stayed away from it instantly thinking I was better then those who did (making me a hypocrite for judging others hahaha) .. I remember being in 6th form thinking "I am NEVER touching a drop of alcohol in my life!".. and then I started University. My naivety evaporated with nights out in town, the school bar, the park, house parties, nights before assignments, nights before tests, nights before exams hahah sheet. Being a professional student for 5 years now (lol) I've become a lot more .. open minded. My previous view on drinking has slightly been altered from "ew, drinking" to "oh, drinking". I guess I can HONESTLY say that I've adopted the whole "drinking in moderation", "Sip stay in play", "Drink to have fun" buzz. What I find hilarious are people that say and truly mean this up until 4 bottles/shots/glasses in.

hmmm ... I feel afraid that my drinking habits are leading me towards a bleak future of alcoholism which as everyone knows, goes hand in hand with beer goggles disease grrrr LOL ..Naw I've seen people phase from the "I'm just drinking for fun" to "Lets get drunk B*arrttgchhh zzz" ugh

.....Lets hope and pray I don't change. I'm already pretty ugly, I don't need excessive drunken behaviour to make it worse. Booya

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This guy is INSANE!!!

How many times..

I don't know how many times I've said to myself "I'm going to start my assignment today" and haven't done JACK. Haha I think I need a change of attitude.. hmm what requirements are there for a "change in attitude"?. To come up with an answer for this question I'm asking myself I must think really hard.... or not. I read somewhere that to change someones "way of thinking" is to change there whole persona. I say way of thinking because to change the way one thinks of an individual subject is one thing.. and actually very easy. According to a few friends of mine, understanding the way of thought is KEY to the manipulation and takingadvantageof other individuals. It starts off with observing and matching interest topics....wait im going off subject hmm save that story for another post .. okay sooo anyway, affecting the pattern of thought for the whole MIND is similar but all together different..kind of like Pinky and the Brain, both rats but one's SO MUCH more complicated than the other. Any who I guess approaching the subject at hand I should really ask myself "WHAT IS ATTITUDE?" - At first glance (from my all knowing eyes haha) Its a "way" of feeling.. it gives us .. oompf. Its definitely part of our thought process, I mean we all have an attitude or way of feeling toward something.

How can we change our "Attitude" - Changing "A way of feeling". So everybody knows that feelings are derived from emotions, which are a state of mind based on circumstance. Assuming ceteris paribus (LOL), our attitude is primarily affected by our state of mind! Eurika! therefore, changing our STATE OF MIND should alter our attituuuddee??!!...that doesn't sound right..(well for what im trying to think up anyway) lol I guess if I was looking for a temporary change to my attitude, and it was towards ONE thing .. I would so be done .. but, I'm not. =(

Now a little about myself.. as you could probably tell from my blog, I'm pretty average. I kind of take life one post at a time (quote unquote) lol.. I don't plan much unless I really want something, I don't care much unless I really have to and I dont feel much unless provoked. Sure I cry at movies, nostalgic moments and some funerals but most times I'm pretty oblivious (ALL OF THIS IS ON THE INSIDE WHERE NO ONE CAN SEE ME). How could I go about changing my attitude towards my assignments and tests while remaining "bleh" about everything else? wouldn't be fair now would it. #totalupheaval! I say.

so thinking of what I;ve already said up there^, To attain a TOTAL permanent change in attitude I would require a ... change in THINKING. Not just thoughts towards individual subjects but everything I guess. My thoughts are kind of like levels. I have surface thoughts underlying thoughts and deeeeeeeeeepppp thoughts. All my feelings (or true feelings i should say) are products of deep thought, surface emotions or what everyone sees are from the other two levels. (Wow self realization happening right now). In order to affect my attitude towards everything I guess (cause thats what ive been doing this whole time) I will have to infiltrate and change my "Deep zone" ....but how.. I know!!! BLACK OPS!!!