About Me

Talofa. If I had a Netflix show made about me tomorrow it would be ... pretty boring. I'm here to post about first world problems and out of this world solutions. Cheers.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

50 shades of truth

Hello friends,

My work colleague and close friend is bat sh*t CRAZY!

She's gaga over..

"Fifty shades of Grey".

So apparently the story revolves around Christian and his endeavors with various women, or was it one? hmm anyway you could sum the story up in one sentence. Soft readable porn.

I don't actually care who reads it to be honest, each to their own and what not. What's hilarious are the people who say "I just wanna see what all the hype is about" .. Sure that's why..You don't have to lie Johnny, it's okay to read Erotica. No shame at all.. You dirty minded minx you. *Laughs*

So anyway I've found that a majority of these readers (with sexually debaucherous natures haha) contain a religious background. *oOOooOoOOh (I'm not saying there's a causal relationship it's just my observation.)

Upon observing this I only see fit to announce these followers of Christian Greys sexual exploits as ..in denial... Grey Christians.

(lol see what I did there? .. yeah nah.)

I jest, partake in a joust of humor and wit, such as they did in times of lore, when Kings and Queens and Dukes and Priests held the same weight as a witty Whore.

Cheerio chaplain.

#SFN Sayonara For Now

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ugly? Nahhh

The worst is when ugly people get pretty.

The fact is (and don't you deny it), physically attractive people glide through life on a cloud of admiration and worship. Gag. The rest of you us lowly beings who grew up without these assets, have learned to survive via other means. When members of our lower echelon evolve and join these elite's, we have what some people have labelled .. Wifey Material. haha

I know it's a crazy thing to take in right! These traitors. Use and abuse us for our knowledge, our skills in advantageous human interacting! A travesty of justice!

A thoughtful, knows-how-to-dress, great personality beautiful person is born.

My sarcastic post for the day.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cheers to the freaking weekend, ahh shaadarrp.

For many, the coming of Friday is a god send, the end of a long week, Daniel's big game, the beginning of an "EPIC WEEKEND", you lucky bastards. For me, Friday signals the second day of my work week, another beginning to a weekend of watching everyone else enjoy there's. It gets to you.

I know I sound whiny complicated but others who're employed in similar work patterns or who work through the weekends know what I'm talking bout. Hehe

Because of this dilemma, I find I overcompensate on my days off just to prove that they can be as fun as Saturdays and Sundays..but they're not,(Finding me checking in at fancy restaurants on a Tuesday is very common, people be like "what the hell" lol) and so by the time Thursday rolls around I'm tired from my attempts at "living large".

I go to work looking like this guy yaaawwwnwnnnn

hehe so yeah that's me I should probably invest in some strong vitamins or stop caring about everyone else...ha

It's been a while crocodile Big News Coming Soon. TTFN (lol)

p.s. Missed you too x